Upholstery repair fabric for curtains, is it a logical idea
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Upholstery repair fabric for curtains: is it a logical idea?

For upholstery repair, there are many different fabrics, which can be used to make the final product as beautiful as possible. This product can be a sofa, a chair, or any other thing as a piece of furniture. We never think about using upholstery repair fabric for other uses. However, this is also possible to have them in other places than furniture. One of the interesting places, where you can add upholstery repair fabric to your home is the curtains section. In this article, we will discuss using upholstery repair fabric for the curtains.


Imagine you are new in your home, and you want to change the situation in a good way. Or even you want to change the decoration of your present home. One of the things you may think about changing it is curtains. However, for this purpose, you may get puzzled. Because there are many different fabrics for curtains, which you do not know which one is better for your case. In these cases, you can call our experts and get the most useful help from them.

Other than getting help from us, you need to know that if you are familiar with your upholstered pieces of furniture’s fabric, you can also decide on them and use them for your curtains. In this respect, we need to mention the pros of using upholstery repair fabric as the curtains of homes.

The pros of using upholstery repair fabric for curtains

There are 4 advantages of using upholstery repair fabric as curtains of your homes.

1. Being able to clean this fabric

As you may know, you can clean many of the fabrics used in upholstery repair. If you use these fabrics for your curtains, you make yourself able to clean the curtains too. This is a great advantage, which makes you feel the tidiness in your home and enjoy it.

2. Durability matters

The fabrics used in upholstery repair are much more durable than drapery fabrics. This also makes upholstery fabrics great choices for the curtains. You can wash them how many times you want and the fabric for a long time.

3. Many thick options for you

Do you want to bring a classy look to your home, but you do not want to have thinner fabrics? Then using upholstery repair fabrics for your curtains can make your dream come true. There are many options to choose from when it comes to thicker fabrics for upholstery repair as curtains’ fabric. Therefore, if you want to see many choices in front of you, you can count on upholstery repair fabrics and use them for your curtains.

4. Using a washing machine to clean curtains

The fabrics used for upholstery repair are also in almost all cases able to be washed in a washing machine. Therefore, you can wash them as easily as possible, and with no problems.

The cons of using upholstery repair fabric for curtains

We did talk about the pros. However, in this respect, there are a few cons, which need to be considered.

1. Smaller dimensions

In many cases, pieces of furniture are smaller than windows sizes. This makes the upholstery repair fabrics’ width also small. In other words, upholstery repair fabrics have a smaller width than windows, which makes the conditions a bit none sense.

Usually, upholstery repair fabrics have dimensions of 54*60 inches. These dimensions are not big deals for smaller windows or smaller projects.

On the other hand, if your windows’ sizes are bigger than that number, you need to find an extra-wide drapery fabric for your curtains.

2. Patterns of the fabric

For the upholstery purpose, no one needs any patterns on the backside of the fabric. This makes the upholstery repair fabrics a bit abnormal for curtains. Because they have no patterns in their back.

The curtains in your room will be shown from both inside and outside the room. Hence, you should find a fabric with patterns from both sides.

We provide curtains services to our dear customers, with the best fabrics possible. You can also have these fabrics for your curtains if you do not want to want to think about upholstery repair fabrics. You can call us and get the information about curtains provided by us.

We covered all the things about using upholstery repair fabrics as curtains of homes. If you had any questions, feel free to contact our expert professionals and get pieces of suggestions or help.


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